Our School Family


Hello Banana's Families,

We hope everyone has had a great week! In our class this week we have been talking and learning all about our new school family! Our friends learned more about their new friends likes and dislikes and have learned ways to be a good friend.

In table toys and blocks this week we explored ways to build using different types of blocks and gears. The friends worked on turn taking and sharing of materials and ideas!


In the art center we created a Banana's school family portrait where the friends all shared on piece of paper (and many ideas ☺) to create their masterpiece. The friends also created their new school building using various shapes! 

During circle times we created our new school. Each friend took turns adding blocks to the sculpture to create the school. We also did a science experiment where we experimented with items that would sink or float. The friends made predictions if they thought the items would sink or float and then completed the experimented to determine if their predictions were correct. We were the most surprised to find out that the blocks floated!

We had our first language group of the school year this week with our speech therapist, Mrs. Robin! We loved our story and interactive book that she did with us and we can't wait for our next language group!

As a reminder, we will have our first Family School Partnership Day next Friday, September 24th. This event will be from 9:30-10:30 in the classroom. Please let us know if you will be able to attend!

Have a great weekend!


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