Community Helpers: Police and Firefighters

 Hello Banana's Families,

We have had so much over the last couple of weeks learning about Firefighters and Police Officers and how they help us in our communities! Take a look at what we have been up to!

Our dramatic play center was converted into a Fire Station where the friends let their imaginations soar in their play as firefighters. They worked with their peers to help their community stay safe. The friends put out many house fires, building fires, and even saved some cats from trees :) They also learned the importance of "Stop, Drop, and Roll!"

In the sensory table, the friends engaged in play by spraying flames with water to help put out a fire. The friends continued to practice number identification as every flame had a number written on it. They identified each number as they were putting out the fire.

In the literacy center, the friends engaged in a firefighter hat letter matching activity. In this activity our friends matched the upper case ("big") letter with a picture of an item that begins with that letter. The friends listened to the beginning sound of the word to help them determine what letter it started with!

In the math center, the children engaged in a counting activity where they counted the number of police hats and found the matching number. Our friends are doing so well with counting and number identification to 20.

The friends explored play in the block center by building fire station and police offices. They used the block buildings that they built to engage in play as if they were a firefighter or police officer.

We have been really busy in our art center the last couple of weeks. The friends created fire trucks using various shapes, police badges, and fire truck and police car patterns! 

In the science center the friends used magnifying glasses to study and examine their friends fingerprints. They observed the different types of lines that each friend had on their fingertips and how each one was different. 

Next week we will begin learning about our last community helper, Construction Workers!
We hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys this beautiful weather!

Suzannah and Lindsay


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